Monday, July 4, 2016

Agile Methodology in Education

I originally thought about teaching Agile as an effective process of project management to enable students to land projects on time. However, this blog makes me rethink the fundamentals of the content and processes of my Digital Technology projects:

The blog encapsulates the student first approach through collaboraboration and rapid prototyping of fail fast and fail often to fail smart, This links in with Carol Dweck's "Growth Mindset" research of embracing setbacks as part of the iterative process of learning and improvements - rather than the fixed and static judgement of 'failure'.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

L2 & 3 Database assessments

L2 & L3 students,

Old Skool DATABASES!!!

Back in the noughties, like 2009, we taught databases using software like Excel & Access - rather than web apps in the cloud that run on PHP & MySQL. However, many of the basic fundamentals are the same, so there is still much to gain from them.

Here are the help files you will need for Databases, don't forget you will need to attend lunchtime and after-school tutorials to complete your work. Use these database links to do homework.

PHP & MySQL resources for 2.41 / 3.41

Dynamic DB driven websites with PHP / MySQL need a web server. There are options such as: 

  • - cloud based IDE
  • - free hosting
  • Dreamspark Azure - free for students - ask about a serial no.
  • XAMPP - you can run local web server on your PC / Mac etc.

YouTube Video Tutorials:

Other Resources:

3 years ago, when I did the teacher PD with Andy Able from Yoobee (Natcoll) and read through their book on PHP & MySQL I was struck by the thought that it would too difficult for the average Y12/13 student and they may lose interest with the textbook / lecture format. So I put PHP/MySQL on a back burner to concentrate on teaching web dev, relational database management and programming separately.

However, having studied Blended Learning and flipped classroom models I now think that this could work really well to combine these three areas of web dev, programming and relational database management - if they are supported by good interactive resources. 

This list is by no means exhaustive - but I think these resources are more than sufficient to support teaching Y12 & Y13. I don't expect all of these will work for all of your students' preferred learning styles and I don't expect you should scare them off by tring to do all of them, however, I think combining some of them will work well.

1) Watch & Do these REALLY good Video Courses from with interactive quizes (BTW these ones are FREE but you can subscribe for all courses)
ALL FREE ones:

2) Do these interactive courses on

3) Support the learning with SOLO Learn Interactive mobile learning quiz apps for iOS or Android etc


Bucky Roberts is awesome! is Youtube channel and website The New Boston are packed with CS goodness:
SQL database:

For Online reference tutorials on PHP and MySQL check out:


  (you can filter your search to FREE courses)
Thorough Video based courses (passive learning):

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Javascript Programming Posters

I found a series of programming posters on ComputingAtSchools which showed programming concepts visually with Python code and The Simpsons. I have updated these posters for my students who are learning JavaScript for Y11-Y13 via